In light of many meeting cutbacks and time constraints due to the insecurity in Reynosa, the decision was made that we would have no Pastorela this year at the Christmas celebration. In years past the Solteros (Single Men & Women) were the organizers and production directors of the Pastorela for Seguidores de la Cruz. Belen (aged 13) was shocked at the announcement of the cancellation of the Pastorela and rallied the support of her contemporary, Melisa, to volunteer for the job of the organizing the entire operation. The two of them argued that they could not remember a Christmas without the Pastorela.
In Belen's way of thinking, the tradition has to live on for the sake of the younger children. After leadership deliberations, Belen and Melisa were given the green light.
To the surprise and delight of Ruben, Belen spontaneously jumped into the path of a camera-wielding priest, who captured them both in the instant.
They elicited the help of several willing
Solteros and got down to work. Willing
Solteros were signed up to work on scenery, backstage and lighting. Children and adolescents were trained as actors in the different roles. Of course, willing parents provided time, transportation and encouragement for the fledgling troup. And the show went on, as it is said.
Melisa at her meanest and most sinister. She was observed, long after the production, proudly clad in her Pastorela personae, as a demon. She could only smile with joy and satisfaction for their successful rendition. Compliments were still pouring in from respected adults and Solteros. The photographer prompted her scowl in character with her costume. What you see is her absolute worst.
But most impressive was the quality of spiritual content of this year's production. Parents, adults and children alike, lost themselves in enjoyment of our brothers and sisters' rendition of the mysteries we celebrate at Christmas. This is essential to any tradition: passing on the "why" we have this tradition; passing on with care and quality its expression.
Classical Christmas piñata -- which came after the Pastorela. Behind the piñata action can be seen Mario David, in costume and still basking in the glory of his role as shepherd in the acclaimed production.
And all, cast crew and satisfied audience members, were built up in their faith and called on in the battle of our lives, to push forward to overcome evil with good in this valley of tears. Such a battle is victorious only by living ever more surrendered to the mystery of "God with us".