Don Ricardo helped us to take the initiative in our relationships with one another. He exhorted us by teaching, but always showed himself a living example of what he taught. Becuse of their dignity as a person, he said, you can be a blessing to someone else in your presence or in your sphere of relationships. You can always find out more about what a person is experiencing by taking an active and sincere interest in them.
Rosario delivering her thoughts at Dick's memorial service in early November. We are still wearing COVID masks at all religious functions, even when they are outdoors.
I remember once he asked me and a friend how we were doing and followed up on the questions with very personal interest, asking more details in a way that was not nosy, but genuinely interested. I had just gotten a phone call from my mom who was sick—nothing serious. Several months later, Don Ricardo and his wife approached and greeted me after Mass, while we were drinking coffee. He followed up on our conversation remembering details and inquiring about my mother and her health, adding that they had both been praying for her. Though my friend was not present, he remebered her name and asked how she was doing. His smile and his concern were reassuring in the moment, but also taught me so much more about the initiative of which he had encouraged us.
Another aspect of initiative I recall, was his attitude toward retiring. You can retire from this or that company or occupation, but never retire from personal prayer, from growing in friendships, from going to Mass and Communion, from taking a genuine interest in others and helping them to know Jesus Christ.