Parents, who are informed of the whole curriculum of their child's course are strongly encouraged to get a report of the session activities for each of their children who attend courses according to their age groups. The teachers are well-trained, conciencious and aware of their role to help the parents who are the first teachers and evangelizers of their children.
Teachers of younger children filling out end-of-course reports last June. (top right: Alejandro, bending over on the left of the photo, is a teacher of Adolescent boys.)
The parents also take the initiative with the teachers as to the performance and attitude of their child each week.
Edgar and Genoveva (right) helping their son, Max (red shirt) and his brother, Emanuel, with those first-week-back readjustments. Bulmaro has assisted his yougest daughter, Monserrat (behind Max) with a few directions and is now following through with his older daughter, Maybel.
Typically, in the first week back after vacation, echoes are heard of on-course corrections and attitude readjustments.