The third of four 9-week courses for 2018 is coming into week number eight. Everyone who has been studying and applying themselves-- to understand and to express in their relationships-- the particular materials at hand, are now considering and preparing a testimony. How has the Lord been working in our marriage, our family or in my heart, throughout this late-summer period?
Yeiny gives thanks for how the Lord has been present in her life during the course in which she has been serving as a teacher to younger adolescents.
In the final (ninth-week) session nearly everyone will give an account in a small group for the progress that the Holy Spirit has enabled. A good handfull of Couples and Single Men and Women will be asked additionally, to share their experiences on a broader scale at a plenary gathering. The only thing better, to help you to grow in faith, besides hearing a good testimony from someone whom you know, is to hear yourself sharing with others.