The New Evangelization is a particular challenge to Catholics since we never fully embraced any previous evangelization. Catechism which is so essential and renewal (e.g., Days of personal renewal; Parish Renewal) can leave us with an isolated or introspective outlook on the life of faith. Christians, and the Church in every age, are called to a rescue mission in which the gates of hell cannot prevail. Embracing the Gospel message as a man who is husband and father requires that he put his relationship with his wife and his fatherhood under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and that he consciously permeates those relationships with the presence of Christ.
The first diagram certainly upholds the first part of the following statement from Evangelium Vitae:
We need to bring the Gospel of life to the heart of every man and woman and to make it penetrate every part of society. – John Paul II. Evang Vitae #80.
But the Gospel needs to launch him on a transformation of society, as in the example above of a married man, who is to bring the presence of Christ and His values to the family which is the basic building block of society.
Consider how the second diagram has the aim of fulfilling the following tenets of the Church’s teaching:
All of Christ’s followers, therefore, are invited and bound to pursue holiness and the perfect fulfillment of their proper state [of life]. – Lumen Gentium #42
The proclamation of the Gospel, in fact, first passes through the family to reach the various spheres of daily life. – Pope Francis. Angelus Dec 29, 2013.
May the Christian families of this Continent experience an outpouring of the strength and joy of the Holy Spirit, for the great task of being evangelized in order to be evangelizers. – JPII Homily in Nairobi: Sept 19, 1995.
The new evangelization that can make the twenty-first century a springtime of the gospel is a task for the entire People of God, but will depend in a decisive way on the lay faithful being fully aware of their baptismal vocation and their responsibility for bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to their culture and society. – JPII To the bishops of the Church in the states of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota (U.S.A.) on their "ad limina" visit: June 6, 1998.